Our approach to pupil voice has three objectives:
- To give children a say in how the school is run
- To provide the opportunity for children to hold positions of responsibility
- To give children experience of applying for roles and being interviewed
There are three layers to Pupil Voice: Class Ambassadors, House Captains and Prefects.
Class Ambassadors
All classes from Reception to Year Five appoint two ambassadors each, elected by the class.
These ambassadors have two roles:
1) Represent the class to external visitors by welcoming them when they arrive. They should introduce themselves to the visitor and describe what they are learning at that time.
2) Attend the fortnightly School Council meeting where they feedback to the Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher on any specific class issues and discuss wider issues the School Council may be working on.
House Captains
Every child and adult is a member of one of the six ASPIRE houses. Children in Year Six are invited to apply for the position of House Captain by making a pitch to the house members who then vote for the candidate they want to lead the house. House Captains represent their Houses at school events and to visitors. They add up and announce the house points for their house on a weekly basis, and also lead and update members of their house at meetings.
School Prefects
Children in Year Six are invited to apply to be School Prefects. Applications are in the form of a letter to the Headteacher followed by an interview. From September 2021, each prefect will have a specific area of responsibility, and children can apply for the area whicih interests them. The areas are: (i) Behaviour (ii) Environment (iii) Arts (iv) Inclusion (v) Learning (vi) Leadership. Each role is linked to a senior leader who will meet with the prefect every three weeks. All prefects also meet with the Headteacher every three weeks.