Why do we learn computing?
We have adopted an ambitious and challenging Computing curriculum to ensure pupils from EYFS to end of KS2, experience and practise varied forms of computational thinking and digital literacy. We value the use of technology to teach critical thinking as a tool to enhance all other areas of learning. Using the Purple Mash software and schemes of work, pupils are given the opportunity for a creative and diverse relevant Computing curriculum which allows children to challenge themselves in every lesson. In addition to Purple Mash, pupils have the opportunity to use other forms of hardware (recording devices and Bee-Bots) to develop confidence in their understanding of the digital world.
We have a duty to ensure all pupils feel confident to use technology responsibly and independently. E-safety is taught regularly in PSHE and we work with parents to build a community of respectful and confident communicators when using the internet.
Our approach
Our Computing curriculum has three strands (Computer Science, Information Technology, Digital Literacy) which enable pupils to become confident communicators and reflective learners in an increasingly digital world.
Pupils learn the principles of Computer Science and develop the skills to creating their own projects and outcomes that they are proud of. We want our pupils to make projects in lessons that allow children to become critical thinkers and use their creativity to feel proud of what they achieve. Within Information Technology we ensure all pupils have a secure understanding of types of systems that they interact with daily and feel confident understanding the world around them.
Developing resilience to establish a positive culture around mistakes to support debugging is central to our approach to coding. All pupils are given the opportunity to practice their Digital Literacy through cross curricular work where they can work collaboratively or independently to apply key skills in other contexts. For example: word processing, spreadsheets, creating images and publishing.
Our curriculum is developed utilising Purple Mash 2Simple software.
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