Accidents and illness
If a student has an accident or feels unwell they must tell a member of staff straight away. If they are too ill to remain in school, their parents/carers will be contacted by a member of staff.
With the exception of asthma inhalers, students are not allowed to administer drugs themselves. All inhalers should be clearly labelled with the child’s name and be carried by the child at all times. A second inhaler, clearly marked with the pupil’s name should also be left with the school office. If a student needs to take a prescribed medicine at the Academy, they must sign an authorisation document with the school nurse, giving permission for her to administer the medicine. If a child wishes to take a painkiller, they must go to the school office. No pupils will be provided with paracetamol unless permission has been expressly given by parents in advance. Students should not carry any medicines or painkillers on their person.
Medical Appointments
Medical appointments should be made outside of school hours. If this is not possible you MUST provide a note, medical card, letter or text showing the time and date of your appointment. This must be provided to the school office atleast 24 hours in advance of the appointment.
Please email the appointment information to: