
MyBnk provide expert-led workshops aimed at developing the financial literacy skills of Key Stage 2 pupils. At Atwood, they work with our year 3 and year 5 pupils on activities that teach our young people to become informed consumers, savvy savers, and mindful spenders by making finance fun.

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Girls on Track

Girls on Track is a KS2 Motorsports programme aimed at inspiring and encouraging an interest in STEM subjects and industries amongst school girls. Each year, they host a range of events for girls aged 8 – 11yrs with the aim of inspiring them into the world of Motorsport and STEM.

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STEM learning

STEM learning provides a range of online sessions led by STEM professions for key stage 2 children. They offer an opportunity for pupils to hear about a wide range of careers within STEM and make explicit links to the units they are covering (or have already covered) in lessons.

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Oxford University

Oxford University hosts an annual campus visit to Magdalen College for our year 6 pupils. It gives them the opportunity to learn more about routes into university and what life at one of the world’s leading universities looks like. The visits are led by the Magdalen College outreach team.

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